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E-learning, how do you learn a language from home?

Pedro Peixoto

In the last few months, e-learning has experienced significant growth as a consequence of technological improvement and the changing needs of users. Therefore, distance-teaching and learning a language from home have become one of the best options for a lot of people.

In Glorick we specialise in distance-education and online training in a range of areas, that’s why in the following article we’ll talk about what e-learning is, what the main advantages are and some top tips to bear in mind when accessing an online course.

What is e-learning?

The concept of e-learning refers to teaching and therefore learning via the internet. That way, the teaching is carried out via online training which uses technological tools and devices.

As we mentioned above, in the last few years and above all in the last few months, e-learning has gained special importance and has become one of the most used practices for a lot of people due to the great advantages that this type of learning offers.

E-learning doesn’t just stand out for its use of technology as a central tool, but also for the variety and typology of content that virtual learning can offer. The contents that are used are above all didactic, interactive and multi-format, such as video or podcast.

It’s also important to underline that due to the current boom in virtual teaching, we can see changes in education and the roles of the teachers and students as new ways of communicating and interacting are established.

What are the advantages of e-learning?

Having briefly explained what e-learning is, we think it’s now necessary to also talk about the different advantages that e-learning offers in order to understand why it has become one of the best new ways of learning a language.

Updated and interactive content

The first advantage that we would like to highlight is related to the type of content on offer via e-learning. Thanks to the latest technology, we can not only offer constantly updated content, but we can also share information through a multitude of resources that support learning.

Adaptation and active training

Another one of the most important advantages is that virtual learning gives us the opportunity to create courses that are completely adapted to the needs of the student taking into account that students study at different paces. On top of that, it’s important to point out that the student will take an active role in their own learning process.

Breaking down space-time barriers

The breaking down of space-time barriers is without doubt one of the most important advantages that e-learning offers. That way, students can connect from anywhere in the world whenever they like. Thanks to this, students can optimise the time that they dedicate to the platform and their own learning.


Going back to the previous point, it’s also important to mention that e-learning is a type of training that offers a lot of flexibility which adapts to the individual needs and characteristics of each of the students.

Tips for learning a language from home

To finish this article, we would also like to mention some top tips for how to correctly learn a language from home.

Set objectives

Before starting to study a language from home, it’s important to understand your reasons for doing so, that’s why it’s vital to set a few objectives beforehand. This is the first tip that we would like to mention, given that we think it’s one of the most important. Whatever your reason is, it’s important to get involved and commit to the maximum with your learning.

Specialised platform

Another one of the most important aspects to take into account when deciding to study a language from home is having platforms and tools available that are specialised in e-learning in order to have all the necessary content to maximise your learning.

As we mentioned at the start of this article, at Glorick we are specialists in different areas of training and e-learning. If you have any questions then please get in touch with us, we’ll be delighted to help you!

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