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Top tips for learning a language

Pedro Peixoto

Nowadays, we have numerous tools at our fingertips that allow us to learn a language. As we mentioned, the use of mobile devices to learn a language has become one of the best options for a lot of people. As well as that, there is more and more advice on how to learn languages.

That’s why, at Glorick we would like to mention a few top tips for learning a language so that the learning process is faster and simpler.

5 tips for learning a language

Many times learning a language can be a slow and difficult process for a lot of people.

Talk, talk and talk

The first tip that we would like to highlight in this article is possibly one of the most important, and it’s that learning a language means talking and conversing. That’s why the first tip is to converse as much as you can, to put into practice everything that you’ve learned.

We consider conversing to be a complex process given that it doesn’t just imply putting into practice all the knowledge that you’ve acquired but you also have to listen to the other person, understand them and plan a coherent response. That way, you’ll be practising on all levels of the language. If you think about it, how did we learn our mother tongue? Well, by talking and conversing.

Get out of your comfort zone

Getting out of our comfort zone isn’t always easy, especially at the beginning. To learn a new language it’s important to get out of our comfort zone and push our limits.

So, another one of the most important tips is that we must lose our fear of being wrong and making mistakes, precisely because it makes up a big part of the language learning process. Remember that we learn from our mistakes.

Find a partner

One of the tips that we would like to include in this article is that learning a new language will be much more bearable if you share the process with someone. That’s why we recommend finding a partner who you can not only learn with but also talk to and share ideas with.

So, with someone studying the same as you, you can share the process together. Furthermore, you can help and correct each other in order for you both to improve.

We think it’s important to point out that having a study-partner will mean that you can motivate each other to converse more, and also to be a little more daring.

Start with what’s simple

Although it seems obvious, another one of the most important tips when learning a language is to start with what’s simple. Regardless of the language that you’re going to learn, you should find the basic words and concepts that you’ll need in order to maintain a simple conversation.

That’s why it’s always a good idea to start with what’s simple and go from there little by little. You’ll notice yourself as you gradually advance without needing to start studying what’s difficult.

Immerse yourself in books and series

Once you’ve decided which language you would like to learn your best option is to completely immerse yourself in it. That’s why another one of the most important tips and surely one of the easiest to do is to immerse yourself completely in the language that you’re learning.

To that end we propose that you listen to music in other languages in order to practise, as well as to discover new artists. We recommend buying books that are suitable for your level in order to learn new vocabulary and see new words and expressions. We also suggest watching movies and series in the original version with subtitles in order to better improve your pronunciation and listening skills.

After acquiring the basic knowledge in a language, if you would like to improve further, at Glorick we offer online-training courses in English, Portuguese and Spanish that are focused on business. If you would like more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via our website.

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