Hi! I'm Sandra, responsible for FUNDAE matters at GLORICK and I work daily with training and bonuses. So, today I'm writing this article for you. My intention is to help you understand a little more about how FUNDAE works, who can benefit from it, what types of training there are and how credit works.
All companies with work centers in Spain and which contribute to Vocational Training in the payment of Social Security contributions have a training credit available to their workers. The main goal of this support is to improve competitiveness in the labour market, both for workers and companies.

A worker with updated training needs is a more competent, valued, happy and fulfilled worker. A company that invests in the training of its workers is more humane, stronger and more competitive. Through my personal and professional experience, I'm convinced that the benefits of investing in training go far beyond the award of a simple diploma. It's an increase in knowledge and skills, but also in confidence, autonomy and motivation.
FUNDAE (Fundación Estatal para la Formación en el Empleo) is the Spanish state entity that manages these aids for training in companies. Through its digital platform, we can manage all training, control credit availability and guide bonus discounts.
What is the amount of credit available to each company?
The amount of credit made available annually varies from company to company, depending on the number of workers and also the amounts of Social Security contributions. Regardless of its size or creation date, there is a minimum credit of €420.00.
This credit can be used on:
Programmed Training by Companies: aims to respond to the training needs of workers, directly related to the company's activity. In this type of training there are 3 modalities: On-site, Teletraining and Mixed.
Permisos Individuales de Formación: authorisation by the company for a worker to take a course to obtain an official title.
Many companies do not benefit from this subsidy. This may be due to a lack of information, but also often due to a lack of effective advice on how to obtain this advantage.
47% of the value that is made available to companies is not used for their benefit
In 2021, of the 974.43 million euros allocated to companies for training, only 513.58 million euros were used to effectively subsidise the training of workers. From this we can easily conclude that approximately 47% of the value that is made available to companies is not used for their benefit.
Bonusing can be a bit of a bureaucratic process, but it becomes a much less complicated task when you have specialised support, as we offer at Glorick. We carry out a personalised follow-up and specifically aimed at the needs of each of the companies that work with us.
It's our goal that our customers benefit from this attractive economic support, without feeling that the organisation of training is an overload of tasks or worries. Therefore, we help in the preparation of the annual training plan, we handle all registrations and mandatory documentation for the bonus from the beginning to the end of the course, we clarify doubts about the bonus and about the FUNDAE rules.
Fundamental Course of Fundae for HR
In an attempt to improve our support, we have developed from scratch our course "Essential de Fundae para HR". This tool aims to help those responsible for human and administrative resources to better understand, and in a simplified way, the entire process that includes: the attribution of the annual credit, the registration of the FUNDAE application, the communication to the RLT (if applicable), the communication of the beginning of the course, monitoring of the completion of the training, communication of the completion of the course, until reaching the much-desired bonus. Along the way… we reveal some of our secrets for good group management, we simplify concepts such as Co-financing or the maximum subsidised amount and we are going to test your knowledge.
It is undoubtedly an essential course with very practical effects for those who have responsibility in this area of Human Resources. For more information, contact us: fundae@glorick.com