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Personal Language Training

Pedro Peixoto

Our new language learning brand!

One of our company values is to always seek to improve everything, even the most fundamental of what we do. If something works well but could work even better, why not try to improve it? We have already helped thousands of people learn or improve their knowledge of new languages, but we thought that the way to do it could be a little different. We didn't want to get stuck in a model that is comfortable and works well, but doesn't completely satisfy us.

We started then, with the help of Dom Brands, whom we thank, a process of redefining concepts and our own brand and communication, which we now present to the public: our Personal Language Training method. Why is it different and better? Let's find out!


First of all, we know that any occasion is a good opportunity to learn something new, so we promote the importance of self-learning for each student. This means having a platform with all the content and activities necessary for the correct development of the educational process but being aware that the student's availability is always limited and that we must make the most of their dedication and motivation. Our Academy is, therefore, the result of this perception of balance between what is necessary and what is possible, between what we know the student needs to learn and what the person can really do. It is not productive to have a platform with 20,000 exercises, the important thing is to have the essential and really useful ones.

Personal Trainer

Secondly, we cannot forget that languages are social tools, they are made to be used with other people, and that learning is itself also an associative neural process: we remember information better when we associate it with a social event in our lives and worse when we read it in a book or listen to it on the radio, for example. Socialising learning is, therefore, an essential element of the process, and even more so at a time when experiences are increasingly digital, with fewer opportunities to interact with real people in real-time.

The figure of the teacher is, therefore, more important than ever, but it is necessary to go beyond the traditional classroom. Each person learns at a different pace, starts from different points, and needs different stimuli. The individual approach is a big step forward, but it cannot be done in a random and discontinuous way; giving classes at any time of the day or night is not the most productive, following the same logic we saw in the previous paragraph. Each student must have a teacher who accompanies, guides, motivates and knows how to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time: a Personal Trainer.

If you prefer, think about what happens in a gym or a tennis club; you probably think that group classes are more accessible and work well; however, you will always go at the pace of the slowest or the fastest person in the class and you will end up demotivated unless you are the fastest or the slowest. Also, being dispersed among so many people, it is difficult to be corrected and accompanied.

Our value proposition is therefore clear: we value people and their scarce time, and we want to make the most of it to achieve our goals faster. It may not seem like it, but it pays off in the long run, even financially.

Don't hesitate to talk to us and discover our Personal Language Training method!

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